Navigating Challenges: Why I Chose Not to Continue with My First Two Job Offers in IT?

Navigating Challenges: Why I Chose Not to Continue with My First Two Job Offers in IT?

In my previous blog, I shared my journey from Mechanical Engineering to securing my first job offer in the IT field. Now, let's address the part where I received an offer but ultimately chose not to accept it. Why did I make this decision? I was eagerly waiting for a reply from the company, expecting to start in August 2022. However, the start date was delayed for reasons unknown, and instead of joining, they offered a three-month, unpaid self-training course. While they would assist with queries, most of the learning had to be self-directed, with access to Udemy for learning materials. At that moment, I lost hope. I was supposed to join around that time, but now I was being asked to complete a course first.

The Onset of Self-Doubt

I vividly recall those few days when self-doubt crept in. I thought, "I've switched to IT from a non-IT field with high hopes, but I lack a computer science degree and experience. Meanwhile, my friends have already started their jobs." I lost faith in both the company and myself. Confused and directionless, I frantically began learning about data science and software development, grasping for knowledge wherever I could. I even considered falling back on my major, thinking it might be easier. For three or four days, I was in a state of confusion, unsure of my next steps. Thankfully, my parents never questioned my decision, offering unwavering support and motivation throughout this challenging time. I realized I had only one option: to keep working hard. I reminded myself, "The decision has been made, and I'm enjoying programming. I'll figure out the way forward."

Taking Charge of My Learning

I understood that I needed to take charge of my own learning and find my own path. This was a valuable lesson—I had been relying on the company to teach me these skills. While companies offer learning opportunities, it's crucial to work independently to develop different skills. Using the company’s Udemy account, I chose a full-stack development course, "The complete Web Development Bootcamp" by Dr. Angela Yu. I would wake up early, around 4 or 4:30 AM, to work on it. In the afternoons, I continued with the course provided by the company. That became my routine. The course was excellent, and I learned React and Node.js. I also took some additional courses related to JavaScript. Eventually, I developed a guided project using React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB, all while continuing to learn about software development and seeking new opportunities.

Job Applications and Interviews

Eager to begin my career, I started applying to other companies. One company in Vadodara offered me a job, but it came with a three-year bond, so I had to decline. I continued my search and received three interview calls. The first interview didn’t go as well as I had hoped—I could have prepared better. In the second, I was asked about my personal projects. Although I had completed some decent projects and could explain them, my lack of work experience was a drawback.

For the third interview, I was assigned a task to develop a blog web app using React and a serverless platform. Having previously worked on a similar project, I used that experience as a reference and successfully delivered the app. During the interview, I answered some technical questions, but the interviewer mentioned that the company was looking for someone whose code wouldn't need reviewing. I acknowledged this, agreeing that as a fresher, I would likely need some guidance from the team initially.

A Turning Point: The Offer from Carboledger

Finally, I received an interview call from Carboledger, which was seeking a web developer for their website on a contract basis. I applied for the position and successfully answered their questions and completed small assignments during the interview. The company required experience with Next.js, a framework I had encountered but lacked hands-on experience with. Despite this, I managed to pass the technical interview. To my delight, Carboledger extended me an offer, and later, they even offered me a full-time position as a Software Developer.

At the end of December 2022, I had another interview with the company where I had been placed as a trainee. I passed the interview, but for the next four months, there was no communication or clarification about my joining date. Before Carboledger offered me the full-time opportunity, I finally received my joining date from the trainee company. However, by then, I had gained the confidence to pursue other opportunities, so I declined their offer.

Reflections on My Journey

This is how I received my first job and transitioned to the IT field. It wasn't as easy as I had thought. I experienced self-doubt, lost confidence at times, felt confused, and struggled with my lack of experience. Many thoughts raced through my mind. However, I had the unwavering support of my parents and elder brother, blessings from God, and a genuine interest in programming, which convinced me that I would figure things out.

I realized that I have a genuine passion for this field and that it's where I'll be able to contribute the most in my career. I learned valuable lessons, such as the importance of self-reliance in personal growth. Life often requires patience; sometimes, you have to wait for something good to happen.

Now, I'm fully committing myself to exploring this field. I'm excited to delve into areas like AI, cloud computing, IoT, blockchain, data engineering, data science, and much more. I remain open to new opportunities, eager to learn different tech stacks and work with experienced professionals.